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Below I provide a list of the classes I completed for my master's degree in education as well as a brief description of each course.

TE 802: Reflections & Inquiry in Teaching Practice I

This was my first graduate course towards gaining my master's degree in education. In this course, I conducted and learned about qualitative and quantitative research methods on teaching and learning. I was also teaching during my internship year and reflecting on my teaching practices during this class time. I studied educational problems that I saw in the classroom. At the same time, I was designing and assessing studies of teaching practice.

Fall 2013


Dr. Carla Shalaby

TE 803: Professional Roles & Teaching Practice I

In this course I learned about the importance of fostering student learning by building school-agency alliances. I was also student-teaching during this course. I studied and put into practice strategies for working with families and community groups to improve responsiveness of the school curriculum to student needs. I learned about the importance of child advocacy in the school and community.

Spring 2014


Dr. Carla Shalaby

TE 804: Reflections & Inquiry in Teaching Practice II

This course centered around collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data on teaching, learning, and educational policy. I worked on solving dilemmas surrounding research on practice in the classroom as a student teacher. At the same time, I practiced analyzing and reporting the results of this inquiry.

Spring 2014


Dr. Sarah Riggs Stapleton


CEP 817: Learning Technology Through Design

This course really pushed me out of my comfort zone. It focused on design thinking and allowed me to think outside of the box to become a better teacher. In the process, I learned how to design educational tools and software. I also learned how one can use design thinking as a teacher or a therapist. Technology can be explored and used in many different ways.

Spring, 2018


Candace Marcotte

Carmen Richardson

Bret Staudt Willet



CEP 832: Educating Students with Challenging Behavior

This course was filled with information on evidence-based classroom interventions for students with disruptive behaviors and other behavior problems within general education. We learned a plethora of effective teaching approaches for students with challenging behavior through group projects, interesting books and online tools. After this course I was much more confident in my abilities to work with children who have challenging behaviors in the classroom.

Spring 2018


Dr. Vasiliki Mousouli

Dr. Evelyn Oka 

ED 800: Concepts in Educational Inquiry

This course was very unique in the fact that it was self-paced and only essay-based. It addressed problems of theory and practice in teaching and learning, administration, and leadership. Philosophical, psychological, biological, historical, biographical, ethnographic concepts of educational inquiry were all considered in different ways through inquiry and essay writing. The knowledge gained was applied to educational practices and made relatable to my current career.

Spring 2018


Dr. Steven Weiland

CEP 840: Policy, Practices and Perspectives in Special Education

In this course I learned about the characteristics of students with disabilities and special needs by creating a wonderful website. I explored the implications for legal and professional responsibilities of teachers and the impact of federal and state policies on special education practices. I also learned about the multicultural issues in special education.

Summer 2018


Dr. Carol Sue Englert

CEP 841: Classroom Management in the Inclusive Classroom

This course focused on classroom management in inclusive classrooms. I Identified the behavioral, social and academic characteristics of children with special needs. I learned about the principles and techniques for classroom and behavioral management in the inclusive classroom by designing school-wide, classroom-based and individual interventions. I expressed what I learning in this course by creating websites and writing papers.

Summer 2018


Dr. Troy Mariage

CEP 843: Autism Spectrum Disorders: Characteristics and Educational Implications

In this course we explored all about the characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). We learned about the history, etiology and past and present theories of autism spectrum disorders. We also investigated the Impact of ASD on learning, family systems, and communities.

Fall 2018


Dr. Tiffany Stauch

ED 870: Capstone Seminar

This course is where I created this wonderful portfolio. It allowed me to be creative and compile all that I have learned during my graduate level courses. By collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data on teaching, learning, and educational policy I was able to generate pages of content representing my work. This course was all about building our portfolio based on other's feedback and our own reflections.

Fall 2018


Dr. Matthew Koehler

Sarah Keenan-Lechel 

Aric Gaunt

Sukanya Moudgalya

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